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Showing posts from 2021

Day 14 (9/8): Plato's Allegory of the Cave

  Agenda: Blog Assignment: This I Believe Intro to "This I Believe" Response Listen to examples Wissemann Rittenberg Patel Discuss  Assignment Plato's Allegory of the Cave Read and Discuss  Plato's Allegory  - Illustrate/annotate the Allegory for understanding Watch Some Video Adaptations of the Allegory Homework: "This I Believe": We will read these aloud to each other on our next Mindful Monday (9/20) CAS Blog due Sunday - Our next CAS day is Friday!

Day 13 (9/3): The Cogito

Aims and Objectives: to encourage students to reflect on the central question, “How do we know that?”, and to recognize the value of asking that question to expose students to ambiguity, uncertainty and questions with multiple plausible answers to encourage students to be more aware of their own perspectives and to reflect critically on their own beliefs and assumptions Essential Questions: What is the role of skepticism in our approach to knowledge construction? How weird is it that we can actually, really, know anything at all? Agenda: The Cogito Descartes: cogito ergo sum An Introduction to Radical Skepticism Putnam: The Brain in a Vat "The Matrix" Nick Bostrom on why you are probably living in a computer simulation Homework: CAS Blog due Sunday - our next CAS day is Friday

Day 11 (8/30): Mindful Monday

  Aims & Objectives Key Questions How does the history of knowledge continue to affect us? How is it possible to know things about a past that is mostly lost to us? Agenda: Mindful Monday Calendar Time Highs & Lows History of Western Thought Extension Sharetime

TRASH Day 10 (8/26): The Roots of Western Knowledge

Aims & Objectives to encourage students to reflect on the central question, “How do we know that?”, and to recognize the value of asking that question to encourage students to be more aware of their own perspectives and to reflect critically on their own beliefs and assumptions identify and explore links between knowledge questions and the world around us Key Questions Where does knowledge come from? (Scope) How do we acquire knowledge? (Methods & Tools) Agenda The Roots of Western Knowledge:  The School of Athens School of Athens Extension Activity Ongoing Concerns CAS blog due Sunday IB TShirt Orders by Friday Homecoming Kickoff: Sunday, 9/26, 5:30-7:30pm

TRASH Day 9 (8/24): Knowledge vs. Belief

  Aims & Objectives to encourage students to reflect on the central question, “How do we know that?”, and to recognize the value of asking that question to encourage students to be more aware of their own perspectives and to reflect critically on their own beliefs and assumptions identify and explore links between knowledge questions and the world around us Key Questions What criteria can we use to distinguish between knowledge, belief and opinion? (Scope) Are there situations where “knowing how” is more important than “knowing that”? (Scope) What constitutes a “good reason” for us to accept a claim? (Methods & Tools) Are intuition, evidence, reasoning, consensus and authority all equally convincing methods of justification? (Methods & Tools) Agenda Personal Hermeneutics discussion Activity: Know vs. Believe Ongoing Concerns CAS Blog due Sunday Order T-Shirts THIS WEEK Homecoming Kickoff: Sunday, 9/26, 5:30-7:30pm

TRASH Day 8 (8/20): Workshop

  Agenda: Personal Hermeneutics Workshop Complete your Circles of context map Compose your Learner Philosophy

TRASH Day 7 (8/18): Circles of Context

  Standards: A2: develop an awareness of how individuals and communities construct knowledge and how this is critically examined O4: understand the roles played by ways of knowing in the construction of shared and personal knowledge Essential Questions: Where does knowledge come from? Agenda: Learning: the Values Continuum Circles of Context Homework: Continue work on Learning Philosophy (Due Sunday: just submit your URL on Classroom when you have set up your blog).