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Showing posts from September, 2021

Day 14 (9/8): Plato's Allegory of the Cave

  Agenda: Blog Assignment: This I Believe Intro to "This I Believe" Response Listen to examples Wissemann Rittenberg Patel Discuss  Assignment Plato's Allegory of the Cave Read and Discuss  Plato's Allegory  - Illustrate/annotate the Allegory for understanding Watch Some Video Adaptations of the Allegory Homework: "This I Believe": We will read these aloud to each other on our next Mindful Monday (9/20) CAS Blog due Sunday - Our next CAS day is Friday!

Day 13 (9/3): The Cogito

Aims and Objectives: to encourage students to reflect on the central question, “How do we know that?”, and to recognize the value of asking that question to expose students to ambiguity, uncertainty and questions with multiple plausible answers to encourage students to be more aware of their own perspectives and to reflect critically on their own beliefs and assumptions Essential Questions: What is the role of skepticism in our approach to knowledge construction? How weird is it that we can actually, really, know anything at all? Agenda: The Cogito Descartes: cogito ergo sum An Introduction to Radical Skepticism Putnam: The Brain in a Vat "The Matrix" Nick Bostrom on why you are probably living in a computer simulation Homework: CAS Blog due Sunday - our next CAS day is Friday